The same day that seven years earlier in 1991, Dan Howell (danisnotonfire) came screaming into this world (happy birthday!!); today, is the day that eighteen years prior to June 11th, 2016 that I too came howling into the arms of my mother, obviously it was just a cry to get my hand on a book right away, right?
To share this big occasion to finally being able to be called a legal adult and vote for the greater good of my wonderous country (sorry-- sarcasm went a bit overboard) I thought I would share the last eighteen years of my life through the medium of books. Of course, these are books that aren't actually my life but, those that I remember reading at a particular age and have great significance to how I came to be who I am today.
Ages 0-5 years:
I thought my best bet at organizing the younger years is to group all the books together obviously, I don't have that many memories containing what was read to me by my mother nor the books I learned to read with, without some reference to someone else and the constant budging for answers, This is what I gathered:
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Michael Rosen, Helen Oxenbury
This amount of times I must of made my mum read this book to me at this tender young age that I couldn't yet read.
My first adventure story!
Everyone Got Wet (Biff, Chip and Kipper stories)
Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta
These were the books that are specifically designed to help encourage children to learn to read, based on the child's ability to suit a level where it was accessible but remained challenging.
These must work because I found out these are the books that my brother and sister are made to use when being taught to read!
I do remember there being a TV show made as well-- I'll have to google that later.
Hairy MaClary from Donaldson's Dairy
Lynley Dodd
There used to be this TV programme where this farmer used to go to get called to this house place- there was a face that appeared on the wall- and he would go in and read this cat, plant and bookshelf all a story.
One of my strongest memories of television in my childhood.
Aged 6:
At this age I didn't feel ready to start on reading those big daunting paperbacks that were like 100 pages long-- Come on! I was like 6.
Where the Wild Things are.
Maurice Sendak
I remember being really obsessive about this book when I was six, again that obsessive disorder I got started out young.
I would read and read this book again and again,
All because we were doing this really cool sewing project where we were all creating puppets based on the Wild Things that were in the book.
Might even have it somewhere. Maybe. Depends on whether I threw it away when we got evicted a couple of years ago.
Aged 7-9 years:
AH! When I finally got the guts- and the go ahead- to reach up onto that shelf where those "chapter books" were kept away from us.
James and the Giant Peach; Matilda; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Roald Dahl
When I finally got on those chapter books I only really stuck to one author-- Roald Dahl.

Aged 10:
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Lemony Snicket
My mind was pretty blown away by these books- it was the first books series that I actually completed.
I think it took me the whole academic year to complete it in its complete order.
I did it, though. Go ten-year-old me!!
Aged 11:
Magyk (Septimus Heap #1)
Angie Sage
I don't even remember much about this book series other than, it had something to do with the seventh son of the seventh son and I only got up to the third book before giving up, even then I didn't get very far.
I still have my copies of book two and three, I wanted to try and complete this series but they changed the covers to look typical fantasy- someone in a cloak and a hidden face.
Aged 12:
Cathy Cassidy
Just like my Roald Dahl phase I also had a bit of a Cathy Cassidy phase. This one I regret quite a bit. Wasted all my reading hours to binge on these books-- there was so much teen drama!!!
Aged 13:
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1)
Cassandra Clare
Where do I begin?
I only picked this up because I started booktube-- little did I know that Cassandra Clare was to consume my existence for a further four years (and now moving onwards), that I would meet her three times and have her know who I am.
She gets a lot of spit for these books but I love them in all their quirky and fabulousness.
Herondale boys hold the key to my heart.
Aged 14:
Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter #1)
J.K. Rowling
This is where i make the confession that I didn't read the Harry Potter series until I was fourteen. I grew up with the movies-- well, I was a hidden fangirl for the most of it and didn't let on to my mum that I actually really loved these films.
I would really like to collect the hardback editions of the ones oppisite. So far I only have the one shown.
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)
Suzanne Collins
Aged 15:
Divergent (Divergent #1)
Veronica Roth
I was thirteen when this came out. No one knew about this book when I picked it up. It wasn't until someone recommended this to me did I realize I was ahead of the game.
So many memories with this one. We spent ages discussing this book and recommending different books a year later:- I should give special thanks to: Mirin, Helima, Lisa, NgocAhn, Alesie, Emline, Tim and everyone else.
You made my year eleven special and gave me some memories to cherish although that is embarrassing to admit I'm grateful.
Also, I think I am the only one in that group that can saftely say they have met V.Roth and had all their books signed and dedicated!!
City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6)
Cassandra Clare
Ah! This book was painful. So many emotions. The first time I can pinpoint the dying need for a book- I mean I had to wait TWO FREAKING YEARS!! It was so worth it. Bittersweet.
Aged 16:
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1)
George R.R. Martin
A series that I have mentioned before, I feel like this is my greatest achievement-- these books are huge and so daunting. So when I decided to read this one Christmas I thing I can say I made a choice for the better.
I love this world and the richness in character, world building, and history. Winds of Winter really needs to hurry along and get itself onto my shelf.
The Bone Season (The Bone Season #1)
Samantha Shannon
Not sure why this one is significant but I just have a strong connection to this book and that summer where I was alone for almost a year.
Sad times.
Aged 17:
Temeraire: His Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire #1)
Naomi Novik
By the Angel! How much do I adore this book?
What I loved about this book is that it held the most precious relationship between human and dragon that I have never read before-- it was just so sweet, understanding and tender.
If you didn't know I am obsessed with dragons. I currently own three collectors figurines of dragons. And plan for more. I would really like a black dragon to put on my dragon fantasy shelf-- one day. One day.
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