The idea of this tag is to name five of the biggest books that you have read and two books that is on your current TBR pile because they are just too big and intimidating. I will be listing these in accending order-- so let's begin!
**DISCLAIMER: I am not the creator of this tag but, I will list the creator at the bottom of this post along with a link to their booktube channel.**
To be honest, if Maas wanted to write a 2000 page novel I would probably still read it. This was definitely a jump in terms of Maas' average of 400 pages.
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)
Cassandra Clare
Page count: 668 pages
Two years I waited for this monster-- not a big as I thought it was with the initial teasing of 800 pages long. Just like Maas, if Cassie wrote a novel that was neverending I would life out my life reading quite merrily.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (Harry Potter #5)
J.K. Rowling
Page count: 766 pages
Many a fond memory reading these books. But I just want to focus on that cover, these are new edition released in both paperback and hardback over here in the UK some point during 2014/15?
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire #3)
George R.R. Martin
Page count: 1177 pages
Because the UK split this book in two I am cheating a little bit. But either way, this has got to be the largest novel that I have read to date.
And now onto the two books that I have YET to read and are also a bit on the chunkier side:
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke
Page count: 1,006
I picked this up after watching the first episode over christmas one year.
It's been like a year since that. Oops.
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4)
Marissa Meyer
Page count: 823 pages
WOW! Meyer took quite a leap in terms of page count didn't she. One of the many reasons why I am so scared to pick it up- not just because it's the last book of the series.
To be honest, if Maas wanted to write a 2000 page novel I would probably still read it. This was definitely a jump in terms of Maas' average of 400 pages.
2. Warbreaker
Brandon Sanderson
Page Count: 652 pages
My first ever Sanderson novel!!
And one I appreciate all the same. Honestly, if you haven't picked up one of his books yet-- where have you been for the last decade?
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)
Cassandra Clare
Page count: 668 pages
Two years I waited for this monster-- not a big as I thought it was with the initial teasing of 800 pages long. Just like Maas, if Cassie wrote a novel that was neverending I would life out my life reading quite merrily.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (Harry Potter #5)
J.K. Rowling
Page count: 766 pages
Many a fond memory reading these books. But I just want to focus on that cover, these are new edition released in both paperback and hardback over here in the UK some point during 2014/15?

George R.R. Martin
Page count: 1177 pages
Because the UK split this book in two I am cheating a little bit. But either way, this has got to be the largest novel that I have read to date.
And now onto the two books that I have YET to read and are also a bit on the chunkier side:
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke
Page count: 1,006
I picked this up after watching the first episode over christmas one year.
It's been like a year since that. Oops.
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4)
Marissa Meyer
Page count: 823 pages
WOW! Meyer took quite a leap in terms of page count didn't she. One of the many reasons why I am so scared to pick it up- not just because it's the last book of the series.
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