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Who doesn't love a good bromance?! I've tried not to include any biological brothers, on the basis that I think that that love is something else entirely.
Series: A Darker Shade of Magic
They're brothers, but not biologically. The relationship and the lengths that they go for each other in this series just make me all warm and gooey. A pleasure to read. Rhy and Kell being precious cinnamon buns, I couldn't include them on my list.

3. Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs
Series: The Infernal Devices
I mean... duh?
4. Sirius Black and... Crookshanks?
Series: Harry Potter
This one is a weird one. And slightly obscure?
5. The Ninth/Tenth Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness
Series: Doctor Who (TV Show)
I would be stupid to say there wasn't some harmless flirting going on. And a well worth ship to go on too. But, I HAD to include these two-ish, three? I don't know. It's Doctor Who. When isn't it confusing and Timey-Wimey?
These two were just a joy to watch, as they grew to admire each other, love each other and look out for one another.. sort of?
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