Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly blog group that come together to discuss that weeks topic. The idea was first curated by the wonderful Lainey at GingerReadLainey and is now run by Samantha over on ThoughtsonTomes.
If you wish to participate, either on your Blog or Booktube channel then, please, join the group on Goodreads for all the relevant topics.
This week topic is on the other Fantasy and Science fiction media we consume and love.
I'm keeping this in no particular order except my number one choice. The others are a hub-bub that I couldn't pin down.
1. Doctor Who (1963- Present)
It interesting how this is my number one, as my distaste for Steven Moffat and his time as Executive Producer forced me to stop watching for a few years. But its the Russell T Davies era (2005-200that really holds dear to my heart. Its what I grew up loving in all its camp, cheesy and cliched glory. David Tennant obviously being 'my' Doctor and my constant ongoing rewatch that I haven't grown tired of in the 10-12 years since they first aired.

2. Being Human (2009-2013)
If you've only watched the US remake than, please, go and watch the original UK version (it has Aiden Turner in it, if that helps you make up your mind). This was my first exposure to the supernatural, vampire and werewolves, world that has stayed with me and probably because of the fantastic humour. A rewatch over Christmas really cemented this into a favourite.
3. Blade Runner (The Final Cut)
Oh, that pesky cult classic!
But there is a reason that its so popular, it helped create and define a sub-genre (tech-noir). The themes that are explored, the way we are still left questioning and arguing answers 30 years on from its theatrical release.
4. Black Mirror (2011- Present)
Is there anyone left who hasn't watch Black Mirror?
I remember watching it back when the first series aired on Channel 4 and knowing it was somewhat popular. Then it got picked up by Netflix and BOOM! everyone has seen it.
What I love about this is its an anthology series, so I can very easily dip in and out of it and not have to commit to another episode to find out what happens next.
5. Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)
I'm currently playing my first run-through of Inquistion but I'm loving it! The only other game in the Dragon Age franchise is Orgins. And although I love that one, I might just love this one just a bit more.
This week topic is on the other Fantasy and Science fiction media we consume and love.
I'm keeping this in no particular order except my number one choice. The others are a hub-bub that I couldn't pin down.
1. Doctor Who (1963- Present)
It interesting how this is my number one, as my distaste for Steven Moffat and his time as Executive Producer forced me to stop watching for a few years. But its the Russell T Davies era (2005-200that really holds dear to my heart. Its what I grew up loving in all its camp, cheesy and cliched glory. David Tennant obviously being 'my' Doctor and my constant ongoing rewatch that I haven't grown tired of in the 10-12 years since they first aired.

2. Being Human (2009-2013)
If you've only watched the US remake than, please, go and watch the original UK version (it has Aiden Turner in it, if that helps you make up your mind). This was my first exposure to the supernatural, vampire and werewolves, world that has stayed with me and probably because of the fantastic humour. A rewatch over Christmas really cemented this into a favourite.
3. Blade Runner (The Final Cut)
Oh, that pesky cult classic!
But there is a reason that its so popular, it helped create and define a sub-genre (tech-noir). The themes that are explored, the way we are still left questioning and arguing answers 30 years on from its theatrical release.

Is there anyone left who hasn't watch Black Mirror?
I remember watching it back when the first series aired on Channel 4 and knowing it was somewhat popular. Then it got picked up by Netflix and BOOM! everyone has seen it.
What I love about this is its an anthology series, so I can very easily dip in and out of it and not have to commit to another episode to find out what happens next.
5. Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)
I'm currently playing my first run-through of Inquistion but I'm loving it! The only other game in the Dragon Age franchise is Orgins. And although I love that one, I might just love this one just a bit more.
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