December 03, 2016

WRAP UP| Nov 2016

Where did I go wrong this month?

I read the grand total of: 4 books. Actually, now I think about it, that's not too bad. If I weren't to take the fact that two of these were started October and another was made of up of majority with photographs.

#TomeTopple was a thing. I had GREAT plans. I was going to read, read and read. I read 89 pages of one of the books I planned on reading. Yeah. Then I fell ill. Then I had a ton of assignments to catch up on and I was just too mentally drained to try and attempt to tackle a 600 paged book.

Should we have a look at what I did read?:

Gemina (The Illuminae Files 0_2)
Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

REVIEW (to come)

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I won't say much on this one because, I do have a review planned to get written up.
However, these guys know what they're doing. And man! I don't think I'm gonna be able to handle the finale next year.




Dan and Phil Go Outside
Dan Howell, Phil Lester


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Remember me telling you about a book that was the majority of photographs?
Hello- the said book.

If you weren't aware, Dan and Phil do hold a very dear part of my heart. And proof that my sense of humour has not changed since the age of 11.

Really did enjoy getting my hands on this one- even if I did have to wait because I couldn't go to DAPGOOSE.

Damn it Wales!

Siege and Storm (The Grisha Trilogy #2)
Leigh Bardugo

REVIEW (to come)

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Liked this one WAAAY more than I did the first one. Definitely an improvement of Bardugo's part in her skill as a writer.

I will be trying to write up and review of this (as well as Gemina) as soon as I am free to do so.

So most likely throughout my Christmas break because I don't plan on doing much work.

The Magic Toyshop
Angela Carter


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This was the bookI was talking about when I said I read one book for class.

I had some preconceptions when entering this books as I have before read some of Carter's other works-- The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories.

I didn't enjoy this one as much as I would have like to as I LOVED Carter's The Bloody Chamber when studying it at A-Level. (I'm pretty sure Carter saved my grade.)

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