March 18, 2019

TAG| The Rapid Fire Book Tag

Hello! Welcome back! Or if you're new to my blog, double Hello!

I was going through my drafts and realized that I had this already written up and ready to post. However, I may or may not have forgotten who originally tagged me. (Editing this in 2019, I still can't find out who, so if it were you - please, let me know so I can link to your blog!) 

The original tag was created by GirlReading!

Right, no more rambling, let's just get straight to it.

1. Do you prefer e-book or physical books?


2. Do you prefer paperback or hardback?

To read? Paperback.
For decoration? Hardback

3. Do you prefer in-store or online shopping?

Online may be cheaper but there is nothing like a good ol' bookshop.

4. Do you prefer trilogies or series?


5. Do you prefer heroes or villains?

Call it my Slytherin side... Villians.

6. What is a book I want everyone to read?

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman

7. What is one underrated book you would recommend?

Pantomime by Laura Lam
All the Lonely People by David Owen

8. What is the last book you finished?

The Near Witch by V.E. Schwab

9. What is the last book you bought?

It was a pre-order of The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon

10. What is the weirdest thing you have used a bookmark?

I've been thinking of writing a whole blog post on this. A snippet: my cats' paw.

11. Used books, yes or no?

Yes, as long as they are clean.

12.  What is your top 3 favourite genres?

(YA) Romance

13. Borrow or buy?


14. Characters or plot?

Characters (but depends on writing and genre).

15. Long or short books?

Long(er) during the winter.
Short(er) during the summer.

16. Long or short chapters?

No preference.

17. First 3 books that you think of.

The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams
The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman

18. A book that made you laugh or cry.

Laugh: Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Cry: A Gathering of Shadows by V.E.Schwab

19. Our world or the fictional world?

Fictional... duh?

20. Audiobooks, yes or no?

Yes, I have anxiety which peeps up as I'm about to sleep. Audiobooks help me switch off and drift off to sleep.

21. Have you ever judged a book by its cover?

Who hasn't?

22. Book to Movie or Book to TV adaptation?

Book to TV Adaption (Good Omens, anyone?).

23. A movie or TV Adaption I prefer to the books?

Don't sue me, I loved the comics growing up (cause Gerard Way stan circa 2010) but Umbrella Academy. Klaus is the love of my life. My love for Robert Sheehan has been reignited, Shadowhunter and Misfits me is quaking. I just loved how they developed the characters and translated it to the screen.

24. Series or standalone?

Again, depends. Both?


  1. i still really need to get my hands on pantomine by laura, it looks fabs

    1. It's definitely one of my favourite underrated books. Hope you get to it soon!
